Hello everyone!! I am doing a blog to let you all know how thankful I am for you all shopping our store. Striped Butterfly is growing!! Thank you so much for your support!!!
Future plans I have for SBB is to try & record video of most of SBB clothing being sold.
Also, I am trying to add measurements so you can decide which size is best for you.
A little about me besides working SBB.
I work a full time job Monday thru Friday in an office. I am Human Resources & Accounts Receivable. This is my stressful job lol :P
I stay busy busy busy!!
I also work a part time job ~ my non stressful job lol Yes there is drama drama drama but I do enjoy working there. I usually work about 23-24 hours a week but sometimes its 32-1/2 like next week!!
Our online boutique is my favorite out of these 3 !!
Well until next blog.....take care!!!! :D